Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Bookmarx 05/27/2009

  • CEO's need to understand how and why CIO's act they way they do in order to effectively navigate human behaviour and maximize their value from IT.

    tags: PMIT, PM, Management, CIO, Leadership

  • Whoda thunkit? 5 Simple Steps to controlling your project:

    1. Define what will be measured and/or tested and how often.
    2. Monitor progress and evaluate deviations from the plan.
    3. Report progress.
    4. Analyze the report.
    5. Take action where necessary.

    Not rocket science at all. The only problem is that people just don't do it. So, do it.

    tags: PM, ProjectManagement, Control

      • Define what will be measured and/or tested and how often. This should incorporate business requirements, cost constraints, technical specifications, and deadlines, along with a preliminary schedule for monitoring that includes who is responsible for it.

      • Monitor progress and evaluate deviations from the plan. During each reporting period, two kinds of information are collected:  (1) Actual project data, which include time, budget, and resources used, along with completion status of current tasks.  (2) Unanticipated changes, which include changes to budget, schedule, or scope that are not results of project performance. For example, heavy rain may delay the completion of a housing project.  Earned value analysis, described later in this chapter, is a useful method for evaluating cost and schedule deviations.

      • Report progress. Keep reports succinct and timely. Do not delay a report until after a problem is “fixed” to make the report look better. Likewise, avoid lengthy reports that delay the dissemination of important information to others in the organization.

      • Analyze the report. Look for trends in the data. Avoid trying to “fix” every deviation. If there is no trend to the deviation, it likely does not require corrective action at this time.

      • Take action where necessary. This includes updating the project plan and notifying any stakeholders who are affected by the changes. If the changes are big enough, they will require stakeholder approval in advance.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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