Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Cause and Effect -- Secrets of Success

All natural forces are countered by an opposite. You cannot have Yin without Yang, light without darkness, or Vader without Obi Wan.

Each action we take carries with it an outcome, which may or may not be known to us when the initial action takes place. It is expected that if you take out a financial loan, you will need to pay that loan. Lack of payment of that particular loan will result in the lien holder confiscating your collateral, which you used as surety. In order to change an unpleasant outcome, you must change your initial action which triggered it. In the event that you have made a wrong decision that you are now unable to change, such as that one year you failed to mail your tax return certified mail we need to learn from our mistakes to avoid making a similar unpleasant decision in the future. Keeping track of actions and outcomes is a means of taking charge of one's future. This very law is the basis of the "post mortem" or "lessons learned" stages in project management.

The interaction with people other than yourself is called human dynamics. Your actions and thoughts dictate how you present yourself. People are attracted to one another due to the other person's actions and mindset being compatible to them. Similarly, if two people's attitudes are very different and every interaction is rife with conflict, then those two will have a strong dislike of one another. Like all cause and effect situations, a person's decisions lead to their ability to get along with another. In today's interconnected age, someone who is highly incompatible with many people will have a hard time finding success. In order to succeed, that person must learn what it is about them that repels others and find a way to work through it or modify it. In order to control your destiny and fate, one must be able to adapt themselves to succeed.

The means by which an act is carried out is a combination of the cause and effect. If fondness or dislike for something is expressed with respect, then the people present at the occasion are aware of these means of expression of feelings of the concerned person. The audience may be reluctant to share the inner feelings of the person which is based on his individual opinion; but if the feelings are expressed respectfully, the audience welcomes it warmly. Positive outlook should be exchanged even if the concerned people do not agree on the related issue. One must try and achieve expertise as far as cause and effects are concerned since it leads to the path of success, even if not many people are aware of the phenomenon. If one starts manipulating the causes such as his or her own behavior, then the direct effect is that the public opinion about that person also gets manipulated.

There is a lot of similarity in the pattern of people who are flourishing. They lead to the creation of self-reliance by being convinced and well-informed. They play a part in the generation of support as well as reward by offering it themselves to different people. Since they model their personal attitude following the prototype of positive communication, they pave the way for their own success. Basically, success does not come accidentally; it is the rational outcome of logical actions.

Failure is also the logical result of logical events. The choices a person makes affect the choices others make, and if those choices are bad then the results will be too. Who a person associates with himself is an extension of who that person is. If you are not attracting the kind of people you want to attract, then it is up to you to discover what it is that would attract them then decide if you are prepared to make that change. The person you are today is the product of who you chose to be when you were younger, and who you will be tomorrow is a product of who you choose to become today.

If you find your projects are always suffering an unpleasant fate and there no "logical" reason for their failure, look deeper -- there may be more to the situation than you're aware of. Perhaps the company is suffering its own repercussions generated at a level of the organization you're not in touch with. Or, perhaps your actions are unwittingly causing ripple effects on the projects you touch.

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